[Be vigilant]. Increasing number of attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of false e-mail addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). Read more here.

Specialist in earthworks

Forézienne specializes in earthworks, mining, remediation, pollution control and ecological engineering.

Who we are ?

With almost 100 years' experience, an average of over 2.5 M m3 of earthworks per year, and 5 certifications (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, MASE, LNE and Kalisterre), Forézienne is able to work on all types of project, whatever their technical nature or size.
Our company brings together all the skills required for a global vision:

  • Major project design office
  • Geotechnical design office
  • Project and topography design office
  • Environmental engineering department
  • Remediation engineering service

Forézienne's regional offices provide comprehensive territorial coverage, and the capabilities required to carry out large-scale operations.

Key figures

Forézienne in figures

  • 82 M€
    in sales
  • 390
  • 90
    machines in our fleet

Our expertise and commitments

  • Our top priority: zero risk! Safety is at the heart of our production processes. To guarantee the highest level of protection for our teams, we implement a range of prevention and awareness-raising initiatives to create and reinforce a genuine "safety culture".

    • 100% of staff trained in safety know-how
    • 1,000 Safety Times per year
    • 1,500 prevention visits per year
    • 500 best practices shared per year
    • 1,200 deviations corrected per year: shared vigilance
  • A strong policy and objectives:

    Controlling the risks of our business
    Low-carbon commitment 2030: 46% reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions and 30% reduction in upstream scope 3 emissions.
    Biodiversity objective: increase the positive impact of our activities on the environment, by developing our ecological engineering business, avoiding and reducing pressure on nature, building with living things
    Circular economy: recovering materials by reusing and recycling our excavated and waste materials.

    Our dedicated resources : 

    Environment Department
    Low-carbon department
    Ecological Engineering Department

    Our concrete actions:

    Training: 100% of staff aware of and trained in environmental risks
    Eco-driving: 100% of car and machine drivers coached in eco-driving techniques
    Circular economy: 97% of excavated material recycled, 88% of surplus recycled
    Training our teams in ecological engineering and adapting practices to promote biodiversity

  • The equipment department pays particular attention to safety and to reducing the carbon footprint generated by the use of its machines. Every new equipment purchase includes environmental and safety clauses in its specifications. Tailor-made machine configurations ensure that worksites are carried out in the best possible conditions for our customers and employees.

    • Investment, management and maintenance of the entire equipment fleet
    • Transfer of our machines (logistics, planning)
    • Collection and analysis of digital machine data
    • Increasing percentage of hybrid machines
    • Use of organic oils
    • Average age of fleet: 5.5 years
    • 11 mechanics and 5 truck drivers
    • 2,000 m² central workshop 
  • Specializing in geology, geotechnics, soil and rock mechanics, Forézienne's geotechnical design office deploys its expertise and know-how in the following areas:

    • responses to invitations to tender for works contracts, proposing alternative solutions and additional geotechnical investigations and tests,
    • studies (mission G2, project phase, as defined by standard NF P 94-500*) as part of design-build projects,
    • execution geotechnical studies (mission G3, study and follow-up phases, as defined by standard NF P 94-500*),
    • calculation resources: calculation and dimensioning software for studying and justifying geotechnical structures, and for understanding soil-structure interaction issues.
    • occasional geotechnical diagnostics and expert assessments (G5 assignments, as defined by standard NF P 94-500*).

    The geotechnical design office has a central laboratory based in Lempdes (63) and 3 mobile laboratories equipped with all the equipment needed to carry out :

    • additional geotechnical investigations and tests required for geotechnical studies,  
    • soil and rock analysis and identification tests in the laboratory, and in situ tests to monitor earthworks.

    * A standard specifying the content and limits of geotechnical engineering missions, as well as their sequence, to help control geotechnical risks.

  • This department is made up of topographers, guidance managers, designers, surveyors... who provide their skills and know-how at every stage of a project:

    • Invitation to tender 
    • Operation 
    • Completion 
    • BIM

Our business lines

  • Mining and skidding

  • Sanitation / network

  • Careers

  • ISDI

  • Depollution

  • Ecological engineering

Our locations

Forézienne - Agency Loire-Auvergne
7-9 rue Grangeneuve – BP 20048
42 002 Saint-Étienne cedex 1
Tél. : 04 77 43 37 37
Forézienne - Agency Sud-Ouest
7 rue Apollo
31 240 L’Union
Tél. : 05 61 73 77 90
Forézienne - Agency Loire-Auvergne
69 avenue de l’Europe – CS 30002
63 370 Lempdes
Tél. : 04 73 83 79 00
Forézienne - Agency Sud
860 rue René Descartes
13 100 Aix-en-Provence
Tél. : 04 42 43 33 35
Forézienne - Agency Alpes-Savoie
210 rue Aristide Bergès
73 490 La Ravoire
Tél. : 04 79 85 57 19
Forézienne - Agency Sud
20 route des Plots
07 230 Chandolas
Tél. : 04 75 36 69 13
Forézienne - Agency Rhône-Saône
542 rue Tony Garnier
69 970 Chaponnay
Carreer of Gondive
Combe de Salel
07 230 Lablachère
Tél. : 04 75 36 69 13
Carreer of Périgneux
Lieu-dit les Rochains
42 380 Périgneux
Tél. : 04 77 30 78 24
Agency Poitou-Charentes Limousin

5 allée des Champs
87 220 Boisseuil
ISDI Vallon du Vernet
rue Frédéric Baït - Terrenoire
41 100 Saint-Étienne
Tél. : 04 77 95 58 91
Siege Eiffage Génie Civil
3-7 place de l'Europe
78 140 Vélizy-Villacoublay
Tél. : 01 34 65 89 89