[Be vigilant]. Increasing number of attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of false e-mail addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). Read more here.


In Guadeloupe, ETMF continues work on extending Pier 12 at the Jarry terminal

In order to increase its capacity for receiving ships and container ships and to continue to provide high-quality services to Guadeloupe, the Grand Port Maritime de la Guadeloupe has awarded a contract to a consortium comprising ETMF (leader) and the ETPO Group to extend quay 12 at the Jarry terminal by an additional 120 metres.

In Guadeloupe, ETMF continues work on extending Pier 12 at the Jarry terminal

After crossing the Atlantic for more than a month, several dedicated boats, exceptional convoys and oversized lorries delivered and unloaded the 131 piles, as well as the two pontoons equipped with 4 cranes and all the equipment needed to carry out the work.
The preparatory phase, which began in February with site installations, pipe supplies and the setting up of the prefabrication area, is continuing with the construction of a temporary jetty.
Next up is a crucial phase of the works: the ramming of the metal tubes that will form the foundations of the structure.
As the worksite is located in a protected area for local flora and fauna, environmental monitoring has been specially designed to meet the challenges of the site: monitoring of water turbidity with the installation of anti-suspended matter booms, bubble curtains to protect species from the worksite, as well as acoustic and vibration monitoring.
The works will last 1? years, until July 2025.
Construction consortium: ETMF / Groupe ETPO / Eiffage Route
Contracting authority: Grand Port Maritime de la Guadeloupe
Project management: Egis / Grand Port Maritime de la Guadeloupe

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